Results for 'Sylvain Silvestri Ferez'

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  1.  7
    Évaluer les obstacles et les facilitateurs à la participation sociale en contextes scolaires et professionnels de jeunes atteints de mucoviscidose.Sylvain Silvestri Ferez - 2023 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 17-2 (17-2):5-25.
    This article focuses on the methodological issues involved in combining data collected by questionnaire and interview to study the barriers to educational and professional participation of young people (aged 15-26) living with cystic fibrosis. In addition to an exploratory survey of thirteen professionals, it is based on the cross-referencing of data produced from a short and adapted version of the Measure of the Quality of the Environment-MQE (n=100) and interviews of the “story of life and practices” type with high school (...)
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    Sports and ‘Minorities’: Negotiating the Olympic Model.Sylvain Ferez, Sébastien Ruffié & Stéphane Héas - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (2):177-193.
    This paper studies ‘minority’ initiatives to organize sports games. A meta-analysis of published data in the literature identifies the formal appearance taken by each of these initiatives under the Olympic model. But it also conduces to build a number of indicators to answer a series of questions about their logic and strategies. All the initiatives studied are based on an ambivalent posture that, while based on the denunciation of a discriminating space, claim access to it. By an astonishing paradox, ‘non-normative’ (...)
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    Care en milieu postcolonial : émancipation et revendication identitaire des personnes handicapées en Guadeloupe.Gaël Villoing, Sébastien Ruffié & Sylvain Ferez - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (1):54-66.
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    Fairness, Regulation of Technology and Enhanced Human: A Comparative Analysis of the Pistorius Case and the Cybathlon.Rémi Richard, Damien Issanchou & Sylvain Ferez - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (4):507-521.
    Ensuring fairness is a capital issue in any sporting competition. However, fairness is a complex concept. We seek here to offer an analysis of the construction and upholding of fairness within comp...
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    Penser les effets du désavantage social liés à la maladie chronique.Sébastien Ruffié, Marie Cholley Gomez, Gaël Villoing, Sylvain Ferez, Normand Boucher & Patrick Fougeyrollas - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-2 (15-2):177-189.
    This article presents the epistemological issues related to the implementation and exploitation of data produced within the framework of a transdisciplinary project on young sickle cell patients in Guadeloupe. The use of the theoretical model of the Human Development Model – Disability Creation Process aims to apprehend the reciprocal interactions between the biomedical effects of the pathology and lifestyle habits, breaking with medical readings of the disability. Based on an inclusive approach, this model reintroduces individual factors in interaction with the (...)
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    Sylvain FÉREZ, Mensonge et vérité des corps en mouvement, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2005, 189 pages. [REVIEW]Cécile Ottogalli-Mazzacavallo - 2006 - Clio 23:338-340.
    « Dans le monde de l’Éducation physique, le nom de Claude Pujade-Renaud est associé à l’expression corporelle et à la critique du sport ». Avec Mensonge et vérité, Sylvain Férez nous offre une biographie riche et complexe d’une femme, Claude Pujade-Renaud, au parcours atypique (de l’éducation physique à la littérature, de l’homosexualité à l’hétérosexualité, du langage du corps au langage des mots) et aux réflexions intenses sur le sens des langages. La première étape de ce parcours de vie e...
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    Bernardi Silvestris De mundi universitate libri duo.Bernard Silvestris & Bernard - 1964 - Frankfurt a. M.: Minerva. Edited by Carl Sigmund Barach & Johann Wrobel.
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    On Abstract and Historical Hypotheses and on Value Judgments in Economic Sciences: Critical Edition, with an Introduction and Afterword by Paolo Silvestri.Paolo Silvestri (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Luigi Einaudi was a leading liberal economist, economic historian and political figure. This book provides the English-speaking world with a first critical edition of an unpublished version of Einaudi’s most important epistemological essay. The issues analysed here lie at the core of the problem concerning the nature and scope of economic sciences and the role played by economists in the public sphere, with particular emphasis on the interaction between economists and the ruling class. The earlier version of this essay has (...)
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  9.  26
    La libertad.Cecilia Abdo Ferez - 2023 - Los Polvorines, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones UNGS, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.
  10.  14
    Lebensunwertes Leben: Roots and Memory of Aktion T4.Erika Silvestri - 2019 - Conatus 4 (2):65.
    What the Nazis called Aktion T4 was a euthanasia program, officially started on August 18th, 1939. The registration operations for individuals with physical or mental handicaps were followed by forced sterilization and transfer to clinics organized to kill. In this article, I try to explain the mechanisms that allowed the memory of Aktion T4 to be preserved and passed from one generation to the next; memories of the “merciful death” of approximately 70,000 “lives unworthy of life,” that find themselves embedded (...)
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    Les philosophes sont-ils fous?: la critique freudienne de la philosophie.Sylvain Bosselet - 2018 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Éditions Mimésis.
    Freud accuse les philosophes d'agir comme des paranoïaques qui produiraient des projections mythiques. Cette violente attaque porte sur la valeur de vérité des productions philosophiques. Mais quel est le rapport entre philosophie et mythe? Quelle est la relation entre les contenus métaphysiques et l'individu qui les produit? L'ouvrage examine l'hypothèse freudienne en trois temps. D'abord, il la reconstitue à partir des textes de Freud. Ensuite, il étudie sa cohérence logique, ses sources extérieures, ses présupposés philosophiques et épistémologiques. Enfin il applique (...)
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    Gramáticas del odio en el capitalismo contemporáneo. Una lectura desde Spinoza.Cecilia Abdo Ferez - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:43-58.
    El artículo retoma la perspectiva de F. Lordon, en su lectura de B. de Spinoza, para comprender fenómenos políticos contemporáneos: ¿cómo se configura el deseo, en el neoliberalismo? Se plantea como hipótesis que el neoliberalismo combina dos tipos de movimientos de lo que, en términos spinocistas, se llamaría odio. Por un lado, produce un afecto de abyección, una adaptación de los deseos a la imagen menospreciada de sí. Por el otro, al sumar a lo anterior una diversificación y fragmentación en (...)
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    Michael Walzer: La revolución de los santos. Estudio sobre los orígenes de la política radical. Katz editores, Madrid, 2008.Cecilia Abdo Ferez - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9:250-253.
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  14. Antropología de la enfermedad.José García Férez - 2006 - Critica 56 (932):12-17.
  15.  15
    Filónde Alejandría: obra y pensamiento. Una lectura filológica.Juan Antonio López Férez - 2009 - Synthesis (la Plata) 16:13-82.
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    Quel nom pour le Principe? Un problème chez Plotin et Proclus.Sylvain Roux - 2017 - Chôra 15:545-564.
    The question to know which name to attribute to the First principle is a difficult question in the Neoplatonic tradition. Indeed, as this one is situated beyond being, no term can apply to him and thus it is only in a negative way that it can be described. But the problem also settles about another aspect because, as first term, it performs a causal function. Thus it is advisable to know if certain terms turn out more appropriate than others to (...)
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  17. L'anarchismo mite di Rodolfo De Stefano.Gaetano Silvestri - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (4):535-547.
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  18. Veritas, Auctoritas, Lex. Scienza economica e sfera pubblica: sulla normatività del 'Terzo'.Paolo Silvestri - 2010 - Il Pensiero Economico Italiano (1):37-65.
    Italian Abstract: Per giustificare l’autorità e la validità della scienza economica, gli economisti sono spesso ricorsi all’argomento che le leggi e i postulati di questo sapere sono verità scientifiche, nel senso di verità empiriche, logiche o autoevidenti. Tuttavia, questo discorso, in quanto discorso legittimante o discorso sull 'importanza' della scienza economica, sembra contraddire una siffatta argomentazione giacché non statuisce né verità empiriche né verità logiche, e tanto meno verità autoevidenti. A quale tipo di verità, allora, fa riferimento la predica della (...)
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  19. Maïmonide ; Bergson ; Gabriel Marcel ; Sartre ; 4 vol. coll. « Philosophes de tous les temps ».Sylvain Zac, André Robinet, Jeanne Parain-Vial & Colette Audry - 1966 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21 (2):293-294.
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    Charles De Koninck et le bien commun.Sylvain Luquet - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (1):45-60.
    Sylvain Luquet | : On tente ici de retracer aussi fidèlement que possible les tenants et les aboutissants du célèbre débat autour du bien commun et de la personne suscité par l’attaque du Père Eschmann contre le livre de Charles De Koninck, De la primauté du bien commun contre les personnalistes . On y verra vite à quel point il s’agissait d’un débat d’idées et nullement de conflits personnels. | : We attempt here to retrace as faithfully as possible (...)
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  21. Why-Questions.Sylvain Bromberger - 1966 - In Robert Garland Colodny, Mind and Cosmos: Essays in Contemporary Science and Philosophy. [Pittsburgh]: University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 86--111.
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    There Is No Actual Freedom Without Politics; It Simply Could Not Exist.Cecilia Abdo Ferez - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (1):179-194.
    The article seeks on the one hand, to trace the relationship between will and freedom in Arendt’s work, particularly in three texts: ‘What Is Freedom?’ (1954), ‘Freedom and Politics, a Lecture’ (1958) and The Life of the Mind (1975). This relationship—and in particular Arendt’s treatment of the will—is a rather unexplored theme in the hermeneutics of her work. It will be argued that although there is an important change in her way of thinking about the will between the lectures on (...)
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    On Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic: Axiomatisation and Algebraic Analysis.Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Francesco Paoli & Luisa Peruzzi - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):253-297.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic is the 3-valued logic with two designated values defined through the weak Kleene tables. This paper is a first attempt to investigate PWK within the perspective and methods of abstract algebraic logic. We give a Hilbert-style system for PWK and prove a normal form theorem. We examine some algebraic structures for PWK, called involutive bisemilattices, showing that they are distributive as bisemilattices and that they form a variety, \, generated by the 3-element algebra WK; we also (...)
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    Characterizations of weighted and equal division values.Sylvain Béal, André Casajus, Frank Huettner, Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):649-667.
    New and recent axioms for cooperative games with transferable utilities are introduced. The non-negative player axiom requires to assign a non-negative payoff to a player that belongs to coalitions with non-negative worth only. The axiom of addition invariance on bi-partitions requires that the payoff vector recommended by a value should not be affected by an identical change in worth of both a coalition and the complementary coalition. The nullified solidarity axiom requires that if a player who becomes null weakly loses (...)
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    Naming motion events in Spanish and English.Paula Cifuentes-Férez & Dedre Gentner - 2006 - Cognitive Linguistics 17 (4).
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    (1 other version)The one-and-many problems at Philebus 15b.Sylvain Delcomminette - 2002 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 22:21-42.
  27. The Justification of Inverse Discrimination.Philip Silvestri - 1973 - Analysis 34 (1):31 -.
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    Il luogo del sogno e l’allucinazione negativa. Merleau-Ponty e Freud.Elena De Silvestri - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:335-348.
    In his notes for the course entitled “The Problem of Passivity: Sleep, the Unconscious, Memory,” Merleau-Ponty describe the notion of “negative hallucination” as “a perception, but not recognized for what it is.” This essay analyses this figure as it is taken up by Merleau-Ponty in direct dialogue with Freud’s work. To begin, through the double category of the “negative” and the “perceived,” Merleau-Ponty broaches the question of the “place” of dreams by adopting an eccentric position that sheds light on an (...)
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    Cómo no hablar de dios. Alcances de Una lectura materialista de las concepciones hobbesianas de lo divino.Cecília Abdo Ferez - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 37:97-123.
    O texto pretende pesquisar diferentes concepções de Deus, na obra de Thomas Hobbes. Em particular, propõe-se pensar, desde uma leitura materialista, o entrecruzamento entre a corporeidade e a nomeação de uma política cristã, cujo cumprimento só seria possível num reino futuro na terra, o "reino de Deus" para vir. Essa escatologia hobbesiana define uma determinada posição cética contra a teologia, que, dado o Deus incognoscível, é vinculada a uma função específica da linguagem, o papel da honra, e a essas palavras (...)
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    La determinación de la libertad, en John Locke.Cecilia Abdo Ferez - 2018 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 30 (58).
    Freedom has no univocal meaning in Locke's work, despite its centrality. It is understood as a duty and right, but also as a power, or, as we will hold here, as a state. The successive modifications of the idea of freedom between An Essay concerning Human Understanding and Two Treatises of Government, between the editions and in relation to early or later texts, such as The Reasonableness of Christianity, allow us to think of freedom as a problem, rather than as (...)
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    Anotaciones sobre la tradición clásica en Jovellanos Notes about Classical Tradition in Jovellanos.Juan Antonio López Férez - 2011 - Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica 24:209-238.
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  32. ¿Qué significa ser mayor?José García Férez - 2006 - Critica 56 (936):16-19.
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  33. ¿Valoramos éticamente a nuestros mayores?: Axiología de la ancianidad.José García Férez - 2006 - Critica 56 (936):59-63.
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    The Wealth Of Nations And The Environment.Sylvain Gallais - 1992 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 3 (1):162-165.
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    Una lectura de la Lisístrata de Aristófanes.Juan Antonio López Férez - 2006 - Synthesis (la Plata) 13:11-48.
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    (1 other version)L’expertise collégiale à l’IRD : une courte présentation.Sylvain Robert - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
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    Due inediti dal carteggio Leibniz-Bourguet.Federico Silvestri - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (3):481-505.
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  38. Mosca, Ruffini ed Einaudi. Politica, diritto ed economia in difesa della libertà.Paolo Silvestri - 2009 - In Roberto Marchionatti, La Scuola di economia di Torino. Co-protagonisti ed epigoni. Leo Olschki. pp. 41-64.
    Italian Abstract: Mosca, Ruffini ed Einaudi vennero da molti riconosciuti come “Maestri di libertà”, soprattutto in virtù della loro strenua difesa della libertà durante il consolidamento del regime fascista. In questo articolo miro a ricostruire l’idea di libertà che emerse nelle loro riflessioni in quel torno di tempo. Mostrerò come, al di là delle differenze tra la loro riflessione politica, giuridica ed economica, l’idea di libertà si sostanzi nell’intreccio tra le istituzioni fondamentali del liberalismo ottocentesco: mercato e società civile, opinione (...)
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  39. Analyse literaire du Dialogue avec Tryphon de Justin Martyr.Sylvain J. G. Sánchez - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (129):1077-1114.
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  40. Problemes historiques du 'Dialogue avec Triphon' de Justin Martyr (II).Sylvain J. G. Sánchez - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (128):653-714.
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  41. The ideal of the thing-in-itself in the philosophy of Maimon, Salomon.Sylvain Zac - 1988 - Archives de Philosophie 51 (2):213-229.
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    Representations of structural closure operators.José Gil-Férez - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):45-73.
    We continue the work of Blok and Jónsson by developing the theory of structural closure operators and introducing the notion of a representation between them. Similarities and equivalences of Blok-Jónsson turn out to be bijective representations and bijective structural representations, respectively. We obtain a characterization for representations induced by a transformer. In order to obtain a similar characterization for structural representations we introduce the notions of a graduation and a graded variable of an M-set. We show that several deductive systems, (...)
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  43. A Note on "Fort et Etroit" and "Ample et Faible".Sylvain Bromberger - 1957 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 11 (2):206.
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  44. On What We Know We Don’t Know.Sylvain Bromberger - 1992 - Chicago and London / Stanford: University of Chicago Press / CSLI.
    In this collection of essays, Bromberger explores the centrality of questions and predicaments they create in scientific research. He discusses the nature of explanation, theory, and the foundations of linguistics.
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  45. (1 other version)Questions.Sylvain Bromberger - 1966 - Journal of Philosophy 63 (20):597-606.
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    Join-completions of partially ordered algebras.José Gil-Férez, Luca Spada, Constantine Tsinakis & Hongjun Zhou - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (10):102842.
    We present a systematic study of join-extensions and join-completions of partially ordered algebras, which naturally leads to a refined and simplified treatment of fundamental results and constructions in the theory of ordered structures ranging from properties of the Dedekind–MacNeille completion to the proof of the finite embeddability property for a number of varieties of lattice-ordered algebras.
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    Missed encounters: what may be relevant for an AI is not for a human being.Filippo Silvestri - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):251-268.
    The World Wide Web has been a fundamental part of our daily lives for years. Its algorithmic framework ensnares our online journeys in an “endless recurrence” of the “same” by creating multiple filter bubbles. Digital algorithms establish a precise “order of discourse,” leaving little to no room for deviation. Functioning as a colossal machinic apparatus, the web embodies the culmination of Artificial Intelligence (AI), transforming every piece of posted content into a database that profiles our online behavior and activities. This (...)
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    Forma Dat Esse.Sylvain Roudaut - 2020 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 23 (2):423-446.
    This paper offers an overview of the history of the axiom forma dat esse, which was commonly quoted during the Middle Ages to describe formal causality. The first part of the paper studies the origin of this principle, and recalls how the ambiguity of Boethius’s first formulation of it in the De Trinitate was variously interpreted by the members of the School of Chartres. Then, the paper examines the various declensions of the axiom that existed in the late Middle Ages, (...)
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    Pour une histoire des idées linguistiques.Sylvain Auroux - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (3-4):429-441.
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  50. A. d'Helt, Heidegger et la pensée médiévale (Ousia, 2010).Sylvain Camilleri - 2011 - Archives de Philosophie 74:379 - 380.
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